Visitor Information


13450 104 Avenue, Surrey BC

About Surrey Tree Lighting Festival & Holiday Market

Surrey Tree Lighting Festival is the City of Surrey’s premier holiday event. Every year, the City invites residents to watch Mayor and Council “flip the switch” to light the City’s 60ft Christmas Tree. Entering its 14th year in 2024, Surrey Tree Lighting Festival has provided over a decade of holiday memories and traditions to attendees.

Event activities include Surrey’s 60ft Christmas Tree, food trucks, light displays, a Holiday Market, and four stages featuring music, dance and children’s entertainment.

The festival runs from 12pm to 8pm on Saturday, November 23 and Sunday, November 24, 2024 at Surrey Civic Plaza.

About the Venue

The festival is held on Surrey Civic Plaza, Surrey City Hall, and University Drive. The venue is located conveniently next to the Surrey Central Skytrain Station and bus loop.

Photos with Santa Sign-In

Upon arrival, proceed to the Photos with Santa area inside Surrey City Hall. Have your ticket confirmation ready to show staff.

Please arrive 5-10 minutes before your of your reserved time slot to get ready to meet Santa.Tickets will be forfeited if you do not arrive by 10 minutes past your time slot. For example, if your timeslot is 3:00-3:20pm, you must arrive by 3:10pm or your spot will be forfeited.


The festival site is paved and is user-friendly for visitors of all abilities. Ramps are provided on University Drive to access food trucks. There are accessible washrooms within Surrey City Hall.


Flushing toilets are located within Surrey City Hall.


Free, limited event parking is located on P1 and P2 of the Surrey City Hall parkade. The parkade can be accessed from 104 Avenue and University Drive at Central Avenue.